Makefile is the real heart of simple windows. It is the editor for constructing the call files. It has help screens for every fungion. All you have to do is cursor to the fungtion and hit F1. A help screen will then apear. There are six types of files 5 are for the call files themselves (window, menu,screen forms, print forms, and songs). The sixth is the scheme file. It is for viewing your graphics for your entire program. The current scheme display is also used when creating windows and menus. At this point each file must be loaded to be able to edit it. So if you were working on a window and you want to put a menu in it you must load the menu file and after that you want to work on a window you must agian load the window file. When all your files are made they then can be call in the program saving much coding that would be required to build them in the program. This will make your program much smaller and also allows you to design your graphics with out using the compiler or ,if you use a graphic artist, knowing programing. For now the editor is fairly crude but the upgrade will have click drag mouse and only a single name for the files will be needed. The exstentions and loading will be automatic so you will be able to make windows, menus, and forms with out stopping or leaving the editor screen. Feel free to call me or leave a note of criticism or prase about this or any othe part of this utility. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Some tips on makefile are to use a graphic layout on graphpaper to get your coordinents down. Also right your windows and menus in order(example window 1 then menu 1 then window 2 and menu 2 and so on). This will show your scheme as you creat it in the editing window.